Blackberries were spreading all over the place so I thought I would try a blackberry fence. Of course they don't climb themselves, but with a little weaving now and again they have stayed on the fencing so far. I propped up some leftover galvanized mesh that is usually used for roadside rock cages. A volunteer squash has joined in on the fence, and there is plenty of sun to go around. The squash gives much needed shade on the hottest days here in july and august. Tiny squash and squash flowers are one of my favorite garden nibbles, so always welcome.
Last year it got so hot the the berries dried on the vine. This year thanks to the extra shade and probably helped by the runoff from watering the nearby nursery saplings, we are getting juicy berries. They are easier to find and reach on the fence as well.
Hopefully it will fill in and remain sturdy enough to be a wind break for the saplings behind on the right. We will seen when typhoon season comes if it holds up.
Thanks for a good idea!